Why spend a fortune to tuck in the new pup?
Puppies are adorable, but puppy care can be quite expensive.
One visit to the pet supply store can rack up a big bill, once the new owner
picks up quality
puppy food
, a Puppy
Collar, with a leash,
ID Tags, and an assortment of treats and toys.

Many first-time puppy owners pick out pricey beds for their
young pets, hoping to create cozy nests for these little cuties. Dog training
experts, such as Cesar Milan and Pet MD, often recommend specific dog beds. Still, savvy
veteran pet lovers often forego this purchase, opting instead to improvise with
items they already own.
Consider these eight ways to make a puppy bed without
actually buying one at the pet supply shop. Many of these sleeping arrangements
can be adapted to fit inside a reasonably sized dog crate, if needed.
1. Basket
A large flat-bottomed woven
makes a super puppy bed.
Just be sure the sides are shallow, so the tiny pup can climb in and out
easily. Line the inside with a soft towel or blanket, and it’s ready for use.

2. Box
A low-sided box, such as a sturdy shirt box, can be an ideal
bed for the smaller puppy, especially when it holds a fuzzy throw
blanket or an old flannel shirt.
3. Briefcase
Why toss out a solid briefcase, once the hinges have broken?
If the top and hinges have been removed, this flat-sided tote can become a
super puppy bed. It may already have a soft suede lining.
4. Dresser drawer
A bureau drawer, set on the floor and containing a fleecy
blanket, may make a superb sleeping spot for a puppy, especially if it’s set
right next to the pet lover’s own bed.
5. Mat or small rug
A crated pup may sleep best with a padded mat or a small
fuzzy bathmat
. A fleecy throw or an old
baby quilt will work just as well.

6. Pillow or cushion
The experienced pet owner might hold onto an old pillow,
lawn chair cushion, or foam mattress pad. Any of these items can become
excellent puppy beds, particularly when covered with soft sheets, beach towels,
or old blankets.
7. Suitcase
Like a discarded briefcase, an old suitcase might be
transformed into a suitable puppy sleeping spot. Again, for safety, it’s best
to remove the top and hinges.
8. Tray
For a small-breed puppy, a simple dinner
tray can be a wonderful bed. A soft placemat or small towel makes it
especially welcoming and warm. This easily becomes a smaller version of the
widely available store-bought kennel trays. Just be vigilant to make sure the
puppy does not chew and ingest pieces of plastic.
Despite the puppy owner’s earnest efforts to provide a
suitable spot for the new pet to sleep, many cuddly canines almost immediately
choose to curl up next to their humans, rather than in their own beds. Still,
it’s nice to provide a puppy with a snug spot to call his own.
NOTE: This blogger has no affiliation with any product/s or companies mentioned in this post and received no remuneration from the manufacturer/s or product promoter/s for this post.
Pet Orthopedic Pet Mattress promo photo – fair use
Sleeping Chihuihua – Pixabay public
domain photo
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