Love Yoda? The Star Wars Plush Yoda Squeaky Dog Toy is adorable, especially for families that love the Star Wars movie series. Really, it’s cute and sort of cuddly.
The 6” version retails for $8.99, but we picked it up a little cheaper on Amazon Prime. (It also comes in 9” and 12” versions for a bit more.)
The little Yoda toy seemed like a sweet little reward for our dog.
But the fun didn’t last long. At first squeak, my dog tackled the toy and began chewing. She didn’t come up for air till the squeaker was out … and dead. From then on, she carried the now-limp and hollow cotton plush plaything around for a day or two. Then it got tossed.
This product reviewer purchased the product described and evaluated here, and the reviewer has no prior or existing relationship (either familial or professional) with the creator, manufacturer or marketer of the product.
In all fairness, maybe we didn’t give this product a fair shake.
Image/s: Product promo photo – fair use and personal photo (all rights reserved)
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